Author Archives: Richard Graham


As you may have noticed I’ve been re-coding the website this week. If there are parts you like or dislike then please let me know as I hope to continue to make it easier to find your way around!

Under, on, in front of, behind Game

Roger has sent in some nice games for the Under, on, in song, but I’ve just found a real killer one! This comes courtesy of Nigel in Fukuoka. It uses lots of animals and works with either small or large classes. It’s especially useful for “in front of” and “behind” which many non-native teachers have…

Genki On NHK News Today “English Baby Sitters”

I’m not sure if you caught the NHK News this morning, but they were doing a report on the boom in English Baby Sitters. Instead of your average Japanese speaking baby sitters, the boom now is to have a sort of mini-nanny who plays with the kids in English whilst the parents are out enjoying…

March 14th – White Day

Today is White Day in Japan. Which basically means guys have to give chocolates to all the girls who gave them chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It’s sort of the opposite of how things work in the west. Today I saw a sign outside a shop proudly displaying that they were the creators of this wonderful…

Easter Chocolate Monster

For today I presented the Easter Picture Book and a modified version of the Disaster game. This time the disaster I chose was a “Chocolate Monster”. So, after doing the song and reading the book you… 1. Put post it notes on the back of the picture book cards. Most have numbers, e.g. 5,10,20.25 but…

How you doing? Hip Hop game

Here’s another online Hip Hop Quiz for you “How you doing?“. I always thought this song was really, really fast, and as it was originally written to listen to rather than sing I figured the game version would be way too difficult for your average learner. I don’t know what it is though, but as…