It’s Easter! + Lots of Games & Lesson Ideas


It’s coming up to Easter again, so for speaking be sure to teach the Genki English ย Easter Egg Hunt – the kids love the ending of the song ย – plus of course the picture book!

Ninja Tip: ย On the software, youย get the picture books when there is a picture icon on the top menu e.g. here it is the mini Easter Egg picture. ย Lots of other themes have them too so do keep an eye out for them! ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

Superย Fun Speaking Games

And as with all your Genki English lessons you have nice selection of speaking games depending on whether you have big classes, small classes, no-prep or if you quite enjoy making things we’ve got more complex games too: ย ย Chocolate Monster (my favourite game!) , broken eggs game, Easter propositions game and more.

Ninja Tip: ย Usually the first “recommended game” on a lesson plan is a “no prep” one that you can do with no preparation at all. ย These are what I usually recommend for most teachers especially on their first time through the curriculum. ย  Then the other recommended games are if you have a little more time to prepare and want something a little more exotic!

Easter Crafts

Plus if you have many hours to spend on Easter ย there are more arts and crafts on the ย Genki English Easter Pinterest page – it’s got lots of great stuff!


Ninja Tip: ย In general it’s one hour, or one 45 minute lesson, per Genki English theme, that’s the most efficient use of time to get great results where you only have 1 or 2 hours per week. ย I wouldn’t normally recommend arts and crafts for these lessons for time reasons. ย However if you have several hours per day, like say in a kindergarten, then adding in the crafts is an excellent way to add in more natural language as you have the time!

A few more ideas to check out:


Ninja Tip: ย The imagination worksheets are one fantastic way to cure the “dread of the blank page” in advanced writing courses.ย  ย And for most of us, of course, it’s always speaking first with the regular Genki English lessons and curriculum!

I think you’re going to have a great time with all the Easter Ideas, the Easter Egg Hunt is a fantastic lesson! ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a very Genki Easter!



Richard Graham

Hello, I'm Richard Graham. When I was a kid I found school to be sooooo boring... So I transformed my way of teaching. I listened to what the kids were really wanting to say and taught it in ways they really wanted to learn. The results were magical. Now I help teachers just like you teach amazing lessons and double your incomes!