Maruzen Nagoya and making publishers Genki?

OK, how to motivate 70 teachers at 10 AM on a Sunday? A challenge. Especially when I find out there is no projector. And there are also a load of kids. But…. as luck would have it these were the kids who always turn up in Nagoya, and they were great, even better than the adults! They know the stuff so were quite cool when I was doing the explaining and motivation stuff for the adults, then everyone got really genki for the songs, cool! As usual with the CD5 workshops I started off with “When, when, when” then into “Under the Sea” ( which was after all a request from these teachers last month!) and “Where is Mr Monkey?” which again was really popular. I always thought prepositions were quite easy to teach, but apparently not!

The best bit of the day? Completely selling out of Superpacks, Card Games and Classroom English CDs! The strangest bit of the day? The presenters for one of the Japanese publishers, who claims to make things that are fun for elementary school, asking me how to make their new book and CD seem interesting!!! I know a lot of these presenters actually teach using Genki English rather than what they sell at workshops, but asking me how to make their books and songs fun is pushing things a bit far!!

It was a long, but good day, with many teachers asking really good questions ( which is the main thing ) and the kids who were great ( which is the fun bit). I really should start a school!

But I’m shattered, and tomorrow is all go again for round two of the JET Programme conferences!

Richard Graham

Hello, I'm Richard Graham. When I was a kid I found school to be sooooo boring... So I transformed my way of teaching. I listened to what the kids were really wanting to say and taught it in ways they really wanted to learn. The results were magical. Now I help teachers just like you teach amazing lessons and double your incomes!