Witch Newsletter

This morning was again very busy, going through and translating all the new pages and newsletter into Japanese – it takes a lot of time! I also had to redo the Witch clip art picture as the one I did yesterday wasn’t good enough. At around 2 hours to just draw one picture, a whole new theme on the site is a lot of effort!

When I first started the site I really enjoyed changing the themes and everything for events like Halloween, decorating the site. But now it’s a lot more pressure as even minute changes on the site cause a huge change in the number of visitors and CD orders, which is fine for me, but I have to be extra careful when those orders also provide other people’s paychecks!

But I eventually got finished and sent the newsletters off. Yeah! Now it’s the fun part of sitting back and seeing everyone’s reaction!

At 3 I popped into town to have a chat with a mate ( who’s also a teacher), and that was really good, I have to get my new motivation book finished! I felt really genki after that and I’m really excited about getting the CD5 songs done – they’re going to be killer!