I was first invited to today’s school a long while ago by one of the parents. At the beginning it was quite tricky to get the school to agree to the visit, but once they find out what I do they’ve been well keen, even sending out teachers to my other workshops to get some ideas in advance! So a great kids show ( the first one in ages) and a great seminar for the teachers. The teachers in charge of International Understanding Education in the other schools in the city also attended. I recognised quite a few of their faces from the Maruzen bookstore tours and they seemed very surprised at how different my actual elementary school workshops are, where the emphasis is 100% on solving their problems!

And after some great Unagi to eat it was off on the quite long drive home!

Richard Graham

Hello, I'm Richard Graham. When I was a kid I found school to be sooooo boring... So I transformed my way of teaching. I listened to what the kids were really wanting to say and taught it in ways they really wanted to learn. The results were magical. Now I help teachers just like you teach amazing lessons and double your incomes!