Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Sustainability Education is a hugely important new trend and is something I’m hoping to help with in the future. Long-time Genki English contrib...

I ordered Brett Manning’s Singing Success vocal programme today. In his “Philosophy of Learning” section he writes: Have you ever se...

Yesterday I had a drum lesson ( I need to learn some new styles for the next CD). It was great, the teacher came up with simple stuff that sounded rea...

If you enjoy reading my blog ( why else would you be here? : ) ), then two very Genki English readers have set up their own. They run down what they d...

Two posts in one day, eh. Here’s an idea I just heard from Koko, a teacher in Fukuoka, – Halloween Janken! It’s just like normal Jan...

I put another two picture books in the “beta test” section of the forum today. One is to go with CD5’s “Creepy Crawlies”...