Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

Who’s doing the most to change the world? ย Entrepreneurs! ย But why don’t we teach that in school? Thanks to Elizabeth for the video, and...

Update: ย Thank you everyone for coming to the workshop – you were amazing! ย See where I’ll be next on the schedule page! I’ve had ...

We haven’t had one of Mido’s games for a while, so here you go…. Hop Like a Frog – perfect for younger kids or an end of year ...

Just a couple of quick games to keep you going… ย Black and White islands games for Treasure Adventure and Days of the Week. (See the video here...

Seeing as it’s June, and I’m over in Europe this week, of course I’m working on ……… Halloween topics! ๐Ÿ™‚ Gaz has...

Justice has been working away at his secret laboratory in China to bring you his latest picture book. This time combining school subjects with “...