Do you like…? Song – Easy to Teach Remix

I’ve always liked CD3s “Do you like…?” song, but I’ve had a lot of feedback from teachers who don’t like the fact that the kids have to rehearse the song before you can sing it. This is one reason why I don’t often use it in demo classes myself. Similarly I’ve also had feedback from teachers outside Japan that the food theme can be a bit tough to do in one go. So to help with both these problems I’ve just uploaded an “Easy to Teach” remix of the “Do you like…?” song. It uses the first 12 food words, and it’s dead simple as the teacher just points to a card and says “Do you like apples?” etc. and the kids reply with either “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”. It makes going through the food vocab a lot easier, and there’s a nice progression through the songs. Plus it also helps Japanese teachers who have trouble explaining the “Do you like apple/apples?” problem, this way the kids learn the correct way using the song, without needing any tedious grammar explanations. Dead easy and just the task songs are best at!