Fukuoka Education Center

Along with a lot of help from the ALT, it took four years to set up this gig – a three hour presentation to over one hundred teachers from just about all the Elementary Schools in Fukuoka city!! They were very keen and asked great questions and it’s always nice to have three hours because I don’t have to rush anything. It did take them a while to get the “dekiru, dekiru, dekiru” point, but once they heard the “International Understanding” speech they were all on board. Great! And afterwards I got invited to a load of schools to do follow up presentations!

So thanks to everyone at the Education Center for sorting things out, it was great!

So I came home very tired, but very happy and watched Coronation Street for an hour or so!

Richard Graham

Hello, I'm Richard Graham. When I was a kid I found school to be sooooo boring... So I transformed my way of teaching. I listened to what the kids were really wanting to say and taught it in ways they really wanted to learn. The results were magical. Now I help teachers just like you teach amazing lessons and double your incomes!