Star Wars & Well Cool Lightsabers

I am really, really, really busy….. but if I have to take a break then for Star Wars I can make an exception! It was the 3rd time to see Episode III and it just keeps getting better and better! This time the cinema was with the new Dolby EX and wow, it sounds fantastic, what a massive difference it makes! It was a bit funny seeing the Japanese subtitles though!

I’ve also found out that Amazon Japan has inflatable light sabers for sale! Or if you want to see the most amazing Light Saber ever, check out the Force FX one – oh my goodness, I want one! ( Have a look at the video at the bottom of the page)

Richard Graham

Hello, I'm Richard Graham. When I was a kid I found school to be sooooo boring... So I transformed my way of teaching. I listened to what the kids were really wanting to say and taught it in ways they really wanted to learn. The results were magical. Now I help teachers just like you teach amazing lessons and double your incomes!