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-Hints & Tips
-Cool Phrases

-Numbers 1-20
-Disco Warm Up
-Katakana Song
-Hiragana Song
-Hot, Cold Song
-Days of the week
-Mary san's sheep
-How much?
-Left & Right

-MP3 Downloads

-Katakana Chart
-Game 1
-Game 2
-Game 3
-Game 4

-Left & Right
-Body Parts
-North & South
-Action Words

-Virtual O-koto
-Self Intro

-Genki English
-Genki Korean

-Japan Jobs


Country names in Japanese

Note: Before trying this game, have a run through the "Where are you from?" song. It will make things much easier!

Even if you speak fluent Japanese you'll still always be asked "Where are you from?" and be expected to answer with a foreign country. Here are a few to help you out.

If you don't know an answer, just guess. After 20 minutes you'll have them all!

Recommended Courses

There are loads of great resources out there, and one of the good ones is the "Pimsleur" series. They have a "Quick & Simple" starter pack and also a full on "Gold Course". They are well recommended if you want to learn Japanese, in January I used it to learn everyday Spanish in a month!

Click here for more:

Or for slightly cheaper, but one that requires a bit more work, you can have a look at the Living Language series. Although now I would prefer the Pimsleur course above, I actually used the Living Language series myself when I first learnt Japanese. It's good, but you have to keep repeating and repeating the same CDs, whereas the Pimsleur makes you think more, and reviews the language as you go along.

Click for more.

If you teach English in Japan you might be interested in my new Classroom English / Classroom Japanese CD.

All the Japanese on this page is suitable for either guys or girls, and is pretty normal, everyday Japanese. This means it's not too formal, but you'll be fine as long as you don't say it to anyone too posh!

Read the hints & tips I used to get fluent in Japanese.

Email me if you have any questions or comments,

Mata ne!
Be genki,


Copyright Richard Graham All rights reserved

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