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Gomi Basketball

Author:  Craig Dwyer
level:  Elementary
target_English:  How Are You? Q-A practice
big_small:  Big groups

1. Break the class into 4-6 teams, and set them up in lines beside each other.

2. Place a card face down in front of the first student, and give each of the first students a piece of paper smashed into a ball.

3. The teacher says go and the first student picks up the card and turns to the next student and does the dialogue.
                                    Student 1: Hello. How are you?
                                    Student 2: I`m ________. Cold, hot, tired, happy, etc

4. The student pass the card along the line until it gets back to the front person then that person stands up and takes a shot with the gomi ( rubbish or trash) ball at the basket.  If they get it in, one point.

5. Change the first person and repeat, but make sure to change the card so they get different conversations.

This can work with any dialogue really, or even just card identification.  Make sure to reiterate that it is NOT a race!  You get points for getting a basket, not speed.  I find this makes the kids slow down and try and do the conversation well, as opposed to rushing through it so they can win.

Happy Teaching!

Craig Dwyer

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