僕はアルクの月刊『子ども英語』雑誌でCool & Genki Englishの記事を書いています。 英語教室で使う表現を、ネイティブスピーカーの言い方でもっとかっこよくします。
I searched for his name.
How often do you use Yahoo? I bet it’s quite often, and when you see adverts that say “検索“ most people go to Yahoo, for example try 元気イングリッシュ. But in English speaking countries Yahoo isn’t as popular as in Japan. In most of the world the most popular, by far, search engine is Google.com. In fact it’s become so popular that the word “検索” in English is now often referred to as “to google” something. Even my Mum uses it! If you just say “search” then it could mean many things. So to make it very clear you mean an “internet search” the best phrase to use is:
I googled him.
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