僕はアルクの月刊『子ども英語』雑誌でCool & Genki Englishの記事を書いています。 英語教室で使う表現を、ネイティブスピーカーの言い方でもっとかっこよくします。
Team A, Team B
We all like to give team names. It's great to say the names in turn and
get them to cheer louder than the other groups. The thing is that "Team
A", "Team B" or "Team 1", "Team 2" is
really boring.
So let the kids choose the names themselves. They usually come up with
anime characters, but they sometimes come up some nice English such as
“cockroach” or “rainbow” teams.
My recommendation for high school or adult classes is to use adjectives
such as “The beautiful team” or “The gorgeous team”. That way if I ask
you this question you have to answer with “Yes!”.
Are you beautiful? Yes!
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