Game in JapaneseESL, EFL English language teaching site for teachers of elementary and primary school children. Free ESL MP3 songs, free ESL games and teacher training in Japanese


Target English: Any written English
Target grade: Elem 4 to adults

This is a great warm up game for older elementary or junior high kids!

1. Split the kids into groups.

2. Start the stopwatch

3. The front person from each group writes a word on the board e.g. "fish"

4. The next person from the group comes up and writes a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. e.g. if the last word was "fish" the new word could be "hotel" or "house"

5. Repeat from 4

6. When the time is up, see which team has the most words!

It's great to play some loud music when the kids are doing this game! You could also decide to give 2 marks for longer or cooler words!!


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