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Your Games!

Here is a great idea sent in by a Genki English viewer. Try it out and let us know what you think!

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Tug of War

author:  nigel
level:  Elementary
target English:  anything depending on age

1. Draw on the blackboard 7 or 9 lines (or stones)

(red team - - - - - - - - - blue team)

2. Choose 3-5 children to come to the front of the class.

3. Divide the rest of the students into 2 teams. (red/blue or whatever)

4. Place one of the 3-5 students in front of the board covering the middle line/stone.

(red team - - - - S - - - - blue team)

5. You ask the teams questions. The team that answers correctly 'pulls' the student closer towards them.

(red team - - - - - S - - - blue team)

6. Ask another question. the winning team pulls the student closer towards them.

7. When the student has been pulled all the way to one of the teams, the next student is placed in the middle

The idea is to try and 'pull' as many of the 3-5 students to your team as possible.


If you have a great idea please share it with everyone by submitting it to this page!
Or check out the main Genki English Games Page

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