Will's Tour Diary - updated daily!

Will's tour diary
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Sunday Nov 5th 2000

Denene left at 5am for a Shorinji Kempo tournament. Richard and I worked on the tour schedule before giving the apartment the special Genki English tidy-up treatment. "Cleaner than when we arrived" is the motto. 

We took our gear to the GenkiMobile and discovered that we had a flat. A nail had punctured the front right tyre. Then the ancient VW jack, metal fatigued, cracked when we used it. I called on Denene's landlord, the kindly gent who runs a school called PC Assist in the shop under Denene's apartment. His jack was too small so he called another neighbour. HIS jack was too small, but with the judicious application of some planks of lumber we soon had the GenkiMobile raised and tyre changed. We never cease to be amazed at the kindness of strangers.

We rang ahead to Anitra in Gunma and told her we would be late - no problem. Took the 125 through Kazo-shi, Gyoda-shi, Kumagaya-shi, then the 17 via Fukaya-shi, Honjo-shi, Takasaki-shi and finally Route 18 to Anitra's city, Annaka-shi. 

It was early evening when we arrived. We waited for Anitra in the carpark of the local McDonalds. Anitra is a wonderfully warm Canadian who immediately made us feel like we could stay with her as long as we wanted. Given that she had a huge house, lots of food, and frequently had us in giggling fits we seriously considered it.

Not only was she an exceptional host, Anitra was a trained masseuse too. She offered to give me a massage, and after thinking about it for a millisecond, I accepted. After a hard day's driving the GenkiMobile there is nothing quite as therapeutic as an authentic massage, although I must say that when she used her elbow on my back I was grimacing in pain. At 11pm, during the massage the phone rang - it was Anitra's aunt - she was at the train station waiting to be picked up (Anitra had told us that her aunt and a friend were supposed to turn up at some point but it had gotten so late that Anitra assumed the schedule had changed).

We met Christine and Sylvia. They were absolutely shattered from flying from Canada so they went immediately to bed. We stayed up, made cup noodles and watched Ally McBeal. 

We may have to stay an extra night.


email: will@genkienglish.net

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Opinions expressed in this diary are personal views of Will Jasprizza. They do  not necessarily represent those of Genki English, especially where he is slagging people off or making jokes which sounded better at the time!!! Please be understanding!



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