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All in the word - let's play again please!

level: Kids who can read to Adult
target_English: vocabulary

Dear Richard this game can be used for all levels and for any number of students.

It has got two stages:

Stage 1

First, you write a word on the board such as 'information' and the students make new words by using the letters in this word.
The student with more words than the rest is the winner.

At this stage they can use each letter as many times as possible, the words might consist of one or more letters, they can use dictionaries and they have to tell the meaning of all their derived words.

Stage 2

The second stage is the real fun side. The teacher writes all the words derived by the students on the board in a disordered way. Then students come two by two, you choose and say a word together with its meaning (so that the students learn new words). The two students try to find and circle the word you utter. This activity continues in this way. So, at the end one student will be the winner. The rest of the class shouldn't tell the place of the words. Some students have great difficulty in hindering themselves from shouting out 'there, there before your eyes'.


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