


僕は世界を回ると色々な人(たとえばタイの総理大臣、ノーベル賞をもらった人やオリンピックの選手)から色々なTime Managementのヒントを頂きました。今週のビデオで魔法の様な時間を管理する技を二つ紹介します。ビデオを見るのは6分かかりますが、その後『忙しすぎ!』の気持ちは完全になくなりますよ!ぜひご覧ください!


Be genki,


P.S.  先週はジンジャーブレッド・マンの劇を紹介しましたが、今週は歌のジェスチャーのビデオがあります。

プラスLet’s decorate the Christmas treeのビデオも作りました。


Richard Graham

2 Responses to “『時間がない!』の薬!+新しいビデオ”

  1. Mari Warren

    Love it love it! I needed that. So hectic life and many “must dos” in my list actually cause the delay and really tied me up emotionally lately. Now I can enjoy the freedom of choice and not to be controlled by uncertain burdens. Thank you for the message 😉 Have a wonderful day!

  2. Mari

    I like your way of thinking! How can you be so positive?
    I am a housewife and have 2 kids. I am trying to get a license to be a nurse (at a nursery school) I have got a result today and I was able to pass the 1st stage of exam! I was always thinking I don’t have enough time I am too busy to study…BUT I could! I tried to wake up at 5am almost every day and studied 2 hours before my kids awake. I could because I concentrated on what I was doing…I need to pass 2nd stage of the exam…I will do my best to pass it! I will make my schedule every morning thinking not I must do…BUT I can do this and this and this….
    I will do my best to pass the exam which will take place on 14th of next month! Thank you very much Richard☆☆☆☆☆

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