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author: Nigel
level: Elementary
target_English: Questions +Answers
This game is similar to the game I sent the other day called Christmas Deliveries and is themed to the 1970's hit song Ernie (the Fastest Milkman in the West).
1. On the board draw a row of houses (or stick flashcards of houses)
2. Divide the class into 2 teams (or more)
3. One team will be Ernie the milkman and the other will be Two Ton Ted
the baker. (other characters can be added if you want more teams)
4. On the board place a picture of Ernie (or milk float) and Ted (baker's van) at the end of the street.
Option 1:
1. Ask questions. the fastest team to answer gets to move their character
from one house to the next delivering milk or bread.
2. The fastest team to travel down the street is the winner.
Option 2:
1. Ask each team a question.
2. If they answer correctly, they choose 1 playing card
Ace,1,2,3,4,5 represent moving to the next house
Cards 6-10 represent moving to the second house
Picture cards ( Jack, Queen, King) represent moving to the third house
3. Make a mark ( or place a milk bottle or piece of bread) on the houses
visited to be added up later.
4. The winner is not the team quickest across the street but the team that
makes the most deliveries and visits the most houses.
Option 3:
Similar to option 2, but also choose another card to represent the number
of bottles of milk/loaves of bread that are delivered to the house.
Ace,1,2,3,4,5= 1 bottle/loaf
6-10 = 2 bottles/loaves
picture cards = 3 bottles/loaves
Each bottle
earns the milkman 1 dollar/euro/yen and each loaf earns the baker 1
The team that earns the most money
Other possible alternatives using the
1) Postmen delivering letters and parcels
2) Burglars stealing things ( "Bank Robbery Game!")
3) Pizza delivery
4) Salesmen trying to get people to buy Vacuum cleaners/shower curtain
rings etc.
5) Dogs/cars marking their territory
by Nigel
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