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"The Big Chocolate Cake"
In the Kitchen...

Target Language: Kitchen & Cooking Words

This theme is from the Genki English "Kids English" series which has a video, hard cover picture book and CD for this theme and 11 others

"In the kitchen..."
by Richard Graham

Ifd like to make a salad,
Ifd like to make a salad.

Can you see the lettuce?
Can you see the tomato?
Can you see the cucumber? OK, letfs go!

Ifd like to make a curry,
Ifd like to make a curry.

Can you see the curry sauce?
Can you see the vegetables?
Can you see the rice?
OK, letfs go!

Ifd like to make a cake,
Ifd like to make a cake.

Can you see the eggs?
Can you see the flour?
Can you see the sugar?
OK, letfs go!

Ifd like to set the table,
Ifd like to set the table.

Can you see the knife?
Can you see the fork?
Can you see the spoon?
OK, letfs go!

Cooking is always a good activity to introduce English.

As with the other Kids English themes, there aren't any picture cards, so the easiest way to teach it is to play the 20 minute video. This then leads into the song, which you can sing in class whilst miming the actions ( like in the video)


This is a very simple karuta style game. The idea is that you are cooking one of meals from the video and are asking the kids if they can see the things you need e.g. "Can you see the lettuce". For small groups you can use the vocab pictures in the back of the picture book, or for larger classes try making some large A4 cards from a clipart collection ( such as Microsoft Word or )

On the CD we also explain the game rules in Japanese ( just in case!), and run through several variations of the game.

Picture Book: "The Big Chocolate Cake"

As with the other Kids English theme, once the kids have learnt the song they can easily understand the picture book, even in one 45 minute lesson. On the CD there are three recordings of the narration, chose the one according to the kids mood from "Parentese" ( really slow and clear), "Normal" or "Genki".

This theme is available in the Genki English "Kids English" set!

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