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"Ready, Steady, Go" by Richard Graham Whatfs this? Whatfs that? Whatfs this? Whatfs that? (Ready, steady, go!) Itfs a car, car, car, car, car, car, A bus, bus, bus, bus, bus, bus, A truck, truck, truck, truck, truck, truck, A taxi, taxi, taxi! A taxi, taxi, taxi! A ferry, ferry, ferry, A yacht, yacht, yacht, yacht, yacht, yacht, A boat, boat, boat, boat, boat, boat, A submarine, yeah a submarine! Whatfs this? Whatfs that? Whatfs this? Whatfs that? (Ready, steady, go!) (Itfs) a plane, plane, plane, plane, plane, plane, A helicopter, a helicopter, A balloon, balloon, balloon, balloon, balloon, balloon, A rocket, rocket, rocket! A rocket, rocket, rocket! A mountain bike, a mountain bike, A train, train, train, train, train, train. And a snowboard! Yeah, a snowboard! @@iskateboardj (skateboard) A car, a bus, a truck and a taxi. A ferry, yacht, boat and submarine. A plane, helicopter, balloon and a rocket. A mountain bike, a train and a snowboard! (skateboard) |
This song isn't the most genki of the Kids English songs, but the video
makes up for it with it's "Quiz Show" style. The best way to
use it in the classroom is to do the quiz like in the video with your kids.
Like the animals theme, here we went with "simple is best" and a charades type game.
You secretly show a kid one mode of transport, they mime it and the other
kids have to guess what it is. The best thing comes like in the video where
one guess was "Hippo!". No, that wasn't scripted!
On the CD we also explain the game rules in Japanese ( just in case!),
and run through several variations of the game.
Picture Book: "Ready, Steady, Go"
Although I wrote or co-wrote all these books, the illustrations were all
done by prize winning Japanese illustrators. Some of them did indeed turn
out to be a little strange to say the least, but this one is my favourite.
Gather the kids around, put on the CD and enjoy.
As with the other Kids English themes, once the kids have learnt the song
they can easily understand the picture book, even in one 45 minute lesson.
The ending is quite fun here, so it should get a nice laugh from the kids.
On the CD there are three recordings of the narration, chose the one according to the kids mood from "Parentese" ( really slow and clear), "Normal" or "Genki".
This theme is available in the Genki English "Kids English" set!
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