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Here is a great idea sent in by a Genki English viewer. Try it out and let us know what you think!

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This is a Relay

Author: Nigel
level: Kindergarten
Target_English: this is, these are, here is, here are
big_small: Small Groups

Have the children put in pairs and stand in rows at one end of the classroom/sports hall.

At the other end have a row of tables with all sorts of items that the children having been learning (pens / balls / fruit / veg / bags / pencils / ruler / rabbit / spider / etc) You will need a lot of items. Try and have a few small items and lots of bigger bulkier items.

The first child runs to the table, picks up an item, (or group of items that are all the same i.e. 3 blue markers).

They then run back to their team mate and say "this is a/an -----, or these are ----- or here is a/an ----- or here are some -----"

They then give the item(s) to their team mate.

The team mate then takes the objects and runs back to the table, puts the objects down, picks up something else and runs back. Repeat the process. (This game can be done with flashcards if you can't get all the items)

Alternatively, they do not put the items back on the table. They pick up another item and return with all the items to their teammate. They say this is a ----- and this is a -----. they pass the item to their team mate who runs to the table, picks up another item(s) and passes them to the team mate again, and so it continues until someone drops something on the floor. Then all the items are placed back on the table and they have to start from the beginning again.

A possible rule you may want to include is that no items can be put into another item i.e. pencils put into pencil cases or into bags or into their trouser pockets.


If you have a great idea please share it with everyone by submitting it to this page!
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