Page in JapaneseESL, EFL English language teaching site for teachers of elementary and primary school children. Free ESL MP3 songs, free ESL games and teacher training in Japanese

Yes, I can!

Target Language: The two rules of Genki English "Yes, I can!" and "Try again!"
Target Grade: Kindergarten to adults
This song & lesson is on vol. 13, the Teacher's Set
And in the new curriculum Level.

This song is a little different as instead of any specific English, it teaches the two rules of Genki English
"I can do it!" and "Try again"

Two rules which are sadly not taught in many classroom, but of course they are in yours!

Enjoy and do check out my teacher training workshop videos to see how to use them in class to amazing effect!

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Copyright (C) 1999/2023 by Richard Graham
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