3. Choose one of the groups and give them the black and white print out
from above.
4. Choose one of the other groups and give them one of the coloured sheets
from above.
5. Explain that the group with the coloured items has to describe to the
other group which colour each item is. They can either say things like
"The reindeer is red" or the other group can ask "What colour
is the reindeer?"
6. When they've run through all the items, compare the sheets to see how
they got on.
That's all very simple you may say, so here is the good bit!!
6. Now give three of the groups black and white versions.
7. Give the other three groups each a different coloured sheet.
8. Pair up each black and white team with a coloured team.
9. Now split each of the pairs up so they are as far away from each other
as possible in the classroom.
10. When the teacher says "Go!" all the groups start shouting
out at once to their pair to try and colour in the items in the correct
11. Total chaos as the kids have to shout above each other and ask things
like "Sorry?", "What did you say?" etc.
12. The quickest pair shout out "We win!".
13. The teacher checks the two sheets, if they match, they win!! If not
continue on!
If anyone uses Japanese, they start again with a blank black and white
sheet and a new coloured sheet ( it's good to enforce this rule!)
This is a great combination of the "What did you say?" game and a colouring game idea I heard from Abe sensei in Fukuoka. It's a great
game that even gets 6th graders genki!
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