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author: Craig Dwyer
target_English: Shopping Conversation
big_small: Big
This game takes a little bit of prep work, but once you've got it made
you can use it again and again.... Great for grade 5 and 6
1. First, prepare a lot of cards related to
shopping...close to 30... (clothes, food, etc.) and some fake money.
2. Make
shopping lists (as many as their will be teams), with the the name of the item
and a place for the price. Each team should have a different list, and no two
items should overlap.
Pants (picture) _________\
Shirt (picture)
shoes (picture) _________\
Toque (picture)
3. Make vendor inventory Cards. Each vendor should have a
different card and no two items should overlap onto two lists.
Jeans -
pants - 2\
Hat - 5\
4. In the Gym, or outside, set up five
tables and sit a student at each table (make sure they are well spread out).
Give each student at the table a vendor list and the matching cards.
5. The rest of the teams should be in line away from the tables ready
with their shopping lists. When the teacher says go, the first person
runs to a table and asks if they have the first item on the list.
If they do, they buy it, and return to the group where the second person
looks for the second item on the list. If they don't, go to a different
table and ask again. Continue until one team is finished their list.
Excuse me, do you have a_______?
Yes, I do!! or No, I don't.
How much is it?
(change money for the
Thank You
You're Welcome.
6. The winning team now becomes the
vendors and we repeat the process.
This game work very well with grade 5 and 6, and the difficulty can be easily changed. I use it is as a writing practice game, as they have the write all the names of the items beside the picture (on their shopping list) and also add up the total of everything they bought. The kids love it!!! and they really forces them to use English.
Craig Dwyer
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