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'Funky' Pick-A-Box

author:  Ger
level:  Any
target_English:  Any
big_small:  Small Groups
Time: 5 mins for a simple version
Materials: 6 vocab cards (e.g. colours), blu-tac, black or white board.

Works for any level, really. This is an example for little ones (early primary), used as a warmer.

Before class, write numbers 1-6 on the board, well spaced out (in rows or random). Under each digit stick a blob of blu-tac.

When the students arrive and after the greetings, go through the six vocab pieces. Shuffle them, then stick them face down on the blobs of blu-tac. Make teams, then ask the first student: "Where is (blue)?" The student makes a guess at one of the numbers above the cards; you take a sneaky peek at the card under said number, and either give an appropriate whoop or "Well done" or "YYESSSSS" etc and give the team a point. If their guess is incorrect, the guessing passes to the other team and so on until the card is found.

When only one card remains, ask "What's this?" Now it becomes a battle of memories as to which card was in the group but has not been turned over! If one team is lagging by say, 4 points, you might want to make the last one worth 5. Insist on player by player here, though. You decide if teams can share information with the student whose guess it is. Shouting the answer only gives it away to the other team!

You can adapt this for ANY group. Add more numbers and cards, exchange the numbers above the cards for each word in a sentence, make vocab cards specific to what you are working on (jobs, adjectives, the alphabet etc). Teach ways of expressing victory and commiseration so everyone remains involved (and enjoying themselves!). Older students can take over the teacher role. The strategy element (process of elimination) is good mental gym and excellent for focus (you have to listen for the bad guesses so you know what to say when it's your turn). I use this ad nauseam from 4 year-olds to adults and to me, it's gold!

Happy trails
Ger :)

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