I'm writing this update during my free lessons, this is like "work". But when I teach a class it's like my time off, having fun with the kids and seeing just how good they really are! I've just done Mr Wolf in the gym with my 2nd years. Forget about teaching them sat at their desks, get them playing the games, moving and singing and they get so good at the English!! It's great!
Anyway, another 40 minutes before my next class (the How are You? song with my 1st years), so just enough time to tell you about the updates!!
Well, we are now on a groovy new server (run by Yahoo actually!), so
the site will be a lot quicker and better than before! The reason for the
move? Well, we were getting a few too many hits (around 1000 a day!) for
my school's system to deal with (they weren't very happy)! The new pages
of the site were down for a few hours during the move and we really apologise
for that! The address is still the same http://www.genkienglish.com !
CD News!
After we were featured in the Newspaper a few weeks ago we have had
LOTS of orders for the CD - thank you!! We're still working on getting
a payment system set up for people outside Japan - keep checking back!
For delivery inside Japan, check out our order system. You can now order
online, by email or fax!
And thanks to all the people who ordered volumes 2 and 3!! We haven't actually written them yet!! But I've started working on volume 2 now, we're looking at a September release (fingers crossed!). If you have any requests as to what Target English you'd like covering, then please give me a mail! We're currently looking at time, family, sports, "I like..." and animals (but I really want to record that one with a huge orchestra - so not much chance of getting it done just yet!!)
We're also going to be making the musical scores and MIDIFILES of the
songs available via email to purchasers of the CD. Our mission is to try
and provide you with as much support as we can!
We also had our first "Genki English Live Show"! That was a major success!
Run by Joel and myself we did a show at Toriu Elementary School in Imabari.
The kids loved it, starting off with the Countdown song (see below), the
Up Game, a bit of culture, the What's your name?
song and finally the Thank you song!
Many of the kids had never spoken English before but they did brilliantly!
Well done!
We're now considering a Genki English Live Tour of Japan. If you know of any schools that may be interested then give me an email!
Teacher Training
Following the success of our Training Seminar for Native Speaker Elementary
School Teachers in March, I've been asked to repeat it! This time it will
be in Japanese only and aimed at both Elementary and Junior High teachers.
The date is June 17th in Tamagawa, Ehime, Japan. Again, if you know of
anyone who would like to attend then contact me! I'll be going through
how to introduce the Genki English games and songs into a class, and also
the benefits for using these types of activities! Details are here
This Month's Games
The tower game is a well cool game! I first tried it in Kindergarten last summer, but I've recently tried it in my Junior High and Elementary classes. It's really good and a brilliant motivator - they never get bored now matter how many times they speak the target English! Check it out!
We also have an online alphabet, move over
the letters and hear them spoken!
The countdown game is really good when teaching numbers. Get the kids
to crouch down on the floor. As you slowly countdown from 10 to 1 (or 12
to 1 if you're teaching time), the kids gradually stretch until at 1 they
are stood up. Then at "0" they blast off (jump in the air!). It's a cool
game, suitable from kindergarten through to 5th year elementary. They love
it! I've also written some special music to go with it - maybe I'll be
able to put it on the site on a future update, it really adds to the atmosphere!
Get the kids in the gym. Tell them to start running in a circle. Shout out a number.
They then have to get in groups, where the number
of people in each group is the number you've just called out. For example shout out "3" and they get in groups of 3.
each group has all it's members, they sit down! This is a Japanese
game that I've adapted (and just played in my class a few minutes ago!!). Just make sure that the number you've called fits the class i.e. don't
say "4" if you have 18 kids, as 2 kids will be left over!! You can
also try linking it with the syllable game, for
example shout out "tiger" and they get into groups of 2!!
So what's next?
I don't know! We're really busy at the moment and it's all thanks to you - the people who use our ideas!! Thank you! And if you have anything that you would like to see on the site, or any problems you have then please get in touch. I've had mails this month from University teachers and teachers of visually impaired children both wanting to know how to use Genki English for their classes, students wanting info about studying in Japan and loads of other questions. Please keep them coming! Other ideas we have are maybe producing the games in a book form, teacher training videos, online video clips etc. Tell us what you think!
Ok, see you next month,
Be genki,
Richard J. Graham
Primary School English Games, Songs and Activities
Email: richard.j.graham@iname.com
Previous Newsletters:
April/May 2000 Newsletter
March/April 2000 Newsletter
February/March 2000 Newsletter
January/February 2000 Newsletter
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