Here is a great idea sent in by a Genki English viewer. Try it out and
let us know what you think!
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Author: Salvador Domingo.
Ages: Ages 7 to Adults
Level: Elementary - Jr. High
Target English: Christmas or Adaptable to most structures
No. of Students: small to medium
Materials: Tissues, one glass of water, marker, whiteboard & Flashcards (target vocabulary)
1. Review the target vocabulary.
2. Divide the class into 2 or more teams (depending on the number of Students).
3. Draw the target vocabulary or words on the (white) board (you may want
to have Students do the drawing. This will keep them busy).
4. Soak a tissue into the water and shape it into a ball ("Snow Ball").
5. Have one Student from each team get a snow ball and stand approx. 2m
from the board (the younger the kids are, the closer they should stand).
6. Have the rest of the class "secretly" choose an item and call it out.
7. The Student standing should throw their snow balls so as to hit the
called-out item.
8. The Student to hit the closest to the item earn a point.
9. The team with the most points wins! Lots of fun!!
Variations: If the group is really small, you can be the one calling the
items out while all the Students throw their snow balls. You can have the
Students throw their snow ball at the same time (fun but hard to keep score)
or taking turns.
Salvador Domingo
(If you're an ALT make sure you get the class teacher's permission to try
this game. And it only works with WHITE boards - otherwise it's a bit too
messy! - Richard)
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to this page!
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