Online Video Workshops:
Other song/game combinations: How old are you?

There are 3 parts currently on the site
Part 1: Lesson Planning: Warming Up,
Part 2: Lesson Planning: Introducing New Material
Part 3: Other song/game combinations: How old are you?

Other song/game combinations: How old are you?

Once the video has loaded, press the play button to get going!
  • How old are you? with Mingle for lower grades.
  • The kids ask "How old are you?" and you answer with the age. They get in to groups of that number.
  • Say "I'm sorry?" several times so they ask again louder.
  • Losing doesn't mean losing, it means "try again!"

(It takes a little while to stream
this video, so have a read of this page whilst it's downloading!)

There are 3 parts currently on the site
Part 1: Lesson Planning: Warming Up,
Part 2: Lesson Planning: Introducing New Material
Part 3: Other song/game combinations: How old are you? ( this page )

If you'd like to see more videos on the site, or if you ever need any help then simply get in touch!

If you would like to show Japanese versions of this material to your co-workers, most of it as available on the Japanese Teacher Training Video.

Enjoy, and if you'd like a workshop in your town, then please let me know or have a look on my schedule page to see if I'm coming to a town or city near you!

Be genki,


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