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Genki English Newsletter

 October 2001

Welcome to the October update, and of course the main theme this month is "Hallowe'en". See below for lots of great ideas, and the website for a talking guide to making a Jack o'lantern!

And thanks to everyone who joined in our seminars this month. We did presentations for nearly 1500 teachers!!! You were all very genki!

Easier to find what you want!

The Genki English website is getting pretty big, and it can sometimes be a bit tricky to find exactly what you want (thanks to everyone who has written to tell me!). So I've put a new "Search Genki English" box on the left hand side of the website. Don't know where a game is? Want to find out how to teach a specific phrase? Simply type it into the search box and see what comes up!

Hallowe'en Ideas

So to Hallowe'en, here are a few ideas, and there are loads more on the website!

Apple bobbing

This is a cool game to play outside during lunchbreak. Simply fill a deep barrel full of water and put some apples in. One kid at a time, with their hands tied behind their back, comes and tries to pick up one of the apples with their teeth! If they fail 3 times, a new kid has a go. Another variation is to have an apple dangling from the ceiling by a string.

Costume Karuta
I had this great idea whilst having a meeting in Kagawa prefecture. First of all you prepare several sets of simple Hallowe'en costumes. Examples could be a sheet for a ghost, a hat for a witch or a mask for a wolf man, or whatever!! You split the kids into teams and each team has a full set of costumes. The teacher shouts out a word, e.g. "ghost", and the front kid from each group has to run to the costumes and put on the correct one! The fastest kid gets 2 points, if the other kids got the correct costume they get 1 point!

Halloween boxes
This is an old game and works well for some kids, but don't force anyone to do it!! You first of all teach some unusual body parts, such as "fingernails, liver, brain," etc. You then have several shoe boxes. Each one has a small hole to fit a hand through, but you cannot see inside it!! Kids who want to have a go come to the front, stick their hand in the box and without looking inside they have to decide what "body part" is inside! Suggested items could be pieces of plastic for "finger nails", tofu for "brain", peeled grapes for "eyes", a plastic glove filled with water and frozen for "hand", noodles for "intestines" and the clincher is "liver" - a real liver!!! The kids love it when the tough kids come to the front thinking "Yeah, no problem" and then they pull their hand out of the last box covered in blood!! Dim the lights and it adds to the atmosphere! Of course you have to be careful with this game, in Japan it's easier to get away with this type of thing, in other countries you may have to respect different customs!! And don't force any kid to participate!!

Complete Tour Diary!

Yep, it's exactly one year since we started the Genki English Tour 2000 and this time last year I was travelling round Fukuoka in a typhoon on a bicycle! Anyway, to celebrate we have just updated Will's Tour Diary. So it is now complete right up until the final days in Kumamoto and including all the "missing bits" from Hokkaido and Aomori!!! There are also some groovy pictures on there (and they'll be more on there in the next few weeks)! Find out if we were in your town! Find out if your Headteacher was the one who said they didn't want any foreigners in their school!! If you want to see what being genki is all about (or even if you're bored and have nothing better to do), check out Will's tour diary!

TV and Taishi

OK, that's just about it. I have to dash off as this evening we have a live appearance on EhimeAsahi TV, doing "Genki Cooking"! Which should be quite fun! Try and catch it if you can! Then we're off on the ferry to Osaka for our show in Taishi Town tomorrow!!! So we're still very busy, but I'll still find time to answer all your emails and comments, so keep them coming!!

Be genki,


Richard J. Graham  B.Sc. AMInstP
Primary School English Games, Songs and Activities 
Email: richard@genkienglish.net
Tel: 090-1328-6924 (Japan)

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October 2001Newsletter
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May 2001 Newsletter Part Two!
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