Hello and welcome to a new term and a big
new update for Genki English!! Whilst I've
been working this month, I've been popping
in to say "Hello!" to my friends'
new baby boy! Thinking about how babies learn
to speak can really help with your language
teaching. My friends are constantly talking
to their new baby, making things simple
and repeating everything over and over. Don't teach
your kids like babies, but learning in context,
whilst smiling and enjoying yourself is the
best way!
Anyway, back to this month's update!
Genki English goes video!! Yes, we now have
real video footage on the page! The first movie I've got is an introduction for the new
teachers who will start teaching in Japan
in September (good luck!). But in Japan we
don't actually teach "English",
what we teach is "International Understanding",
wanna know what that means? Check out
the article, here! There is also a page called "Your first day at elementary school"
I also have a video of the "How Much?" song. It's tricky to explain in words, but with
the video you can see exactly what's going
on! In the future I plan to add video for
as many of the games that I can - that way
they are much easier to understand!!
This Month's Games
This month's update is pretty big to say the
least! A few weeks ago I uploaded 2
interactive games that your kids can actually
play on the homepage - The animals quiz and The Colours quiz! Kids love them!!
I also have the Flag Game, a really simple game, but perfect for a
first visit to a class!
Discussion Board!
We now have our very own discussion board! If you have any questions, want to ask
or offer advice, then check it out! This
will turn into a great resource where people
can discuss lesson ideas and games, as well
as problems or anything else you want to
talk about!! We've just started and so need
your help to get it going, have a go
and introduce yourselves!!
Clip Art
I seem to have had more mails about clip
art than anything else this month, everyone
seems busy preparing during the summer holidays!!
I mostly recommend the Microsoft web
site, simple download their pictures and
get them laminated!! But not all the words
you'd want to teach are covered there, so
I've taken some of the pictures from the
Genki English CDs and put them on a special clip art page. You'll find ideas for teaching the weather,
"How are you?", "How old are
you?" (featuring the Alien Kids!) and
the Monkey Family for teaching family
CD vol. 2
Well, I've spent the best part of this month
designing the new Genki English CD!! It'll
hopefully be ready for the end of September,
but you can reserve your copy now by filling
out the on-line order form!! The songs included feature "How old
are you?", Fruit Market, "What
time is it, Mr Wolf?", "What's
your favourite colour?", "Where
are you going?", "What are
doing?" and "The Monkey Family".
All the songs have easy lyrics, catchy
and if you put the CD in a suitable
there is a cool CD-ROM section
talking lyrics, pronunciation guides
simple quizzes!! Check it out!!
There's also a new on-line order form for CD vol. I !
Hints and Tips
This month's hints and tips are all from
readers of the page! The first two are from
Lee Carragher, who is based at "the
foot of Mt. Fuji"! His first game is
similar to the Leapfrog game, but as he says it's a great way to finish a
lesson! In Lee's own words....
1) Hebi Janken - Snake Janken.
Make a couple of extra flash cards with pictures
of a snake's head and tail.
Place the words you want to practice on the
floor in a wavy line to make your snake.
Split the kids into two teams. One team starts
from the head and one from the tail.
The first two teams members walk along and
say each word as they go.
When they two team member meet they Janken.
The winner continues along the snake, the
loser goes back to their team and the next
member starts.
Whenever a team member reaches the
end of
the snake they get one point.
It's a great way to finish a lesson. Encourage
the waiting team members to help each other
then all of the kids are involved and thinking.
2) Irouni - Colour Tag
Very easy and effective as a lower grade
The teacher starts as the 'oni' and shouts
a colour. The kids have to touch something
that colour to be safe. Catch a kid and they
become the 'oni'.
Lee Carragher
At the foot of Mt. Fuji.
Thanks very much! If anyone else has any
great games ideas, please post them on our
message board!!
Hints and tips 2!
This hint comes from Amy Cooper who is now
working in Ehime. You have a "Vocab
Basket" in the corner of each classroom.
When you teach a new word, you put a copy
of it (either written down, or a small picture
card) in the basket. Then at the beginning
of each lesson one of the kids has to pull
out a word at random and say it out loud!
You could choose the kid randomly, or play
something like Criss Cross to determine who picks the word! If you
leave the basket in the class then the kids
can practice when you're not there - just
in case they get picked next time!!
Genki English in the news
We've been in quite a few publications this
month! First of all was a write up in the
ELT News (www.eltnews.com) newsletter. Then
we were in the UK newspaper, the T&A
(with the title "Richard has a yen for
Web TV station" !!). And last week in
Japan we were in (big breath!) the Yomiru,
Mainichi and national Asahi newspapers!!!
Keep a look out for us in September too!
And finally
So that's it for this month! Next month we
start our tour of Japan, going round elementary
schools giving some very Genki English shows. Plus we are also doing our free training seminars. These are not just for primary school teachers,
private teachers or anybody else can also
attend!! What us to come to your town? See
the page for details!
See you later,
be genki,
Richard J. Graham
Primary School English Games, Songs
and Activities
Email: richard.j.graham@iname.com
Previous Newsletters:
July/August 2000 Newsletter
June/July 2000 Newsletter
May/June 2000 Newsletter
April/May 2000 Newsletter
March/April 2000 Newsletter
February/March 2000 Newsletter
January/February 2000 Newsletter
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