Welcome to the first Genki English
Newsletter of the New Year! There has been
lots happening with Genki English this month,
and there is a new, easier to use structure
to the website. I've also put up a "Random
Game Button" for when you want a quick
idea! But the big news is a Special Offer
we have....
Lots of people have been asking for worksheet
based activities for the kids to do in class,
or for homework. Worksheets are a great
way to calm kids down, add rhythm to
a lesson or to give them something to take
home and show how good their English is!
So I've been working on a set, along with
instructions, which has turned into a 20
page pack! I wanted to make them available
to lots of people, so here's the deal; we'll
send you the pack for FREE when you buy
both Genki English CDs!! Songs, software,
games and worksheet activities, P&P included
for 9130 yen! You can find details
on the worksheet page on the website (http://genkienglish.net/worksheets.htm) and the order form is at http://genkienglish.net/order.htm For orders outside Japan you can also pay
by credit card (via CCnow.com) by clicking
here http://www.ccnow.com/cgi-local/cart.cgi?genkienglish_GENKIENGCD12_http://genkienglish.net/songs.htm
If you are one of our valued customers, then
as a big "Thank you" you can
download the worksheets from the website,
again for free! Have your CD ready when
you go to the site as you'll need to enter
a password which is written on the case!
Yes, we will have a presentation for teachers
and a Genki English show for kids at the
ALC Language Exposition in Kobe! It'll be
a great show!! We are now planning various
other large-scale live events, if you would
like us to come to your area, then please
get in touch!
This month's new game is the traditional
Japanese New Year game of Fukuwarai.
It is
a great way for anyone to teach and
directions and parts of the face!
Target Grade:1-6
Target English: Directions + Face parts!
Preparation: A blank paper face, cut
nose, eyes, mouth etc. A blindfold
1. Attach the featureless face to the chalkboard
(magnets are best!)
2. Put on the blindfold!
3. Choose one body part at random (have
spread out on a desk)
4. Hold it up and ask the kids "What's
this?" They answer in English!
5. You face the board, attempting to stick
the part onto the face.
6. The kids guide you by shouting out
right, up, down" etc. Ignore any
comments they make, only listen to
the English!!
7. Stick this part onto the face.
8. Repeat from 3
9. Admire the work of art you
have created!!
Do you fancy using the Internet in your classes,
but not sure which sites would be suitable?
Well, the "kawaii eigo" section
of Genki English is a series of talking,
animated quizzes and games presented
just for kids! The page has actually shot
up to become the 3rd most popular section
on the site!!! So this month I have 2 of
Mr Monkey's Jokes!! You need to speak a bit
of Japanese to get the punchline, but I'm
sure your kids will love them!!!
In response to people who requested to hear
more of the songs before buying the CDs,
you can now hear some small snippets
on the groovy new singing songs page:
If your students are slightly older, you
might want to try my re-launch of the www.Keikaiwa.com
page. The page features a new Genki English
phrase every week. You can access the page
via a mobile phone, and you can even get
each week's new phrase automatically emailed
to your phone! Plus, if you check out the
page on a normal computer, you can actually
hear the phrases spoken! Have a try for yourself
at http://genkienglish.net/keikaiwa/menu.htm
As you know Genki English is used by teachers
from all over the world for teaching languages.
But now it seems that teachers in the UK
may soon be able to use the Genki English
materials to teach younger children basic
skills, from learning their left from their
rights, to telling the time! So when you
teach using Genki English you're teaching
a lot more than just a foreign language!
I'm currently setting up a webpage that will
present the Genki English materials in a
way suitable for teaching these other
subjects, tell your colleagues about
"Genki Kids" http://genkienglish.net/kids/
ALC press have just released a new magazine
in Japan, aimed at teachers in primary schools.
I've also got a column in there, where I'll
be talking about things from an ALTs
point of view. So if there's anything you
think that Japanese teachers should know
about, or would like to tell them, then make
your suggestions on the discussion board
at http://genkienglish.net/discussion.mv and I'll see what I can do about incorporating
them into future articles!! There are lots
of hints and ideas in the magazine, so go
on, buy a copy for your Japanese teacher!
There'll also be a special article featuring
Genki English coming up soon!
Yes, it will be back!! Keep checking
for updates to Will's diary! Hopefully there
will be some pictures (and even video?)
soon! At the moment we are on the home
to Shikoku when disaster strikes! Is
the end of the Genkimobile? Off to
for some hot baths in Beppu, down to
for a show in the shadow of a
live (?)
volcano, and then, what did the Kumamoto
girls do to Will? And does the genkiness
last till the end of the tour?? Find
On the 4th of January I did a live
interview with NHK, via telephone from Europe!
That was interesting!
Hopefully you'll enjoy the new design of
the webpages and if there's anything else
you'd like to see featured, then get in touch!
You may also have seen Genki English articles
in various publications over the last few
months. If you are an editor of a newsletter,
magazine or website, big or small, then get
in touch and we'll see what we can do about
getting some Genki English content
for your publication!
Oh, how about a competition to win $10,000?
Well, I tried to organise it so that if you
recommended Genki English to a friend then
you'd be entered into a draw to win
just that, $10,000! But I couldn't get it
set up in time! But keep checking back and
I might just be able to pull it off!!
Remember to check out the offer of
free worksheets!
Till next month,
Be genki,
Richard J. Graham
Primary School English Games, Songs
and Activities
Email: richard@genkienglish.net
Previous Newsletters:
December 2000 Newsletter!
November 2000 Newsletter
September/October 2000 Newsletter
August/September 2000 Newsletter
July/August 2000 Newsletter
June/July 2000 Newsletter
May/June 2000 Newsletter
April/May 2000 Newsletter
March/April 2000 Newsletter
February/March 2000 Newsletter
January/February 2000 Newsletter
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