Once you have your Teacher’s Set you are now a VIP member so you can download all the VIP bonus material. Enjoy!
2025 Homework Calendar
Perfect to motivate students to work everyday & keep parents up to date on all the amazing work they are doing. Use them with the Homework Program.

Or the 2024 Calendars are here!
NEW* Gamified Lesson Checklists!
Now you can gamify the Flipped Classroom Homework too. We introduced these during Covid and they were a HUGE success with the kids- you wouldn’t believe how much more work they put in at home!
You can either …
- Tell the students which lesson to learn for next week.
- They get to colour in the star when they have done the words, game & song!
Or, if you want the crazy “get speaking as quickly as possible” way of doing it…
- Let the students learn any lesson they want.
- They get to colour in the star when they have done the words, game & song!
- Double check they learnt everything in the lesson.
- How many points can you get each week?
Get your kids on the Flipped Classroom Homework, give it a try and see how you go!

A4 Flashcards & Minicards
As there are so many of these, the best way to get the A4 cards and Minicards is to choose the lesson you wish to teach from the curriculum and print from there.
( Ninja Tip: Don’t print them all out at once, print them as you need them. Very often you’ll find yourself using the computer more and more and not needing as many flashcards!)

Genki Disco Warm Up
Rock, Paper, Scissors
What’s your name?
How are you?
I’m a superhero! I can….
Left and right
Pronouns: I, you, he, she, we are happy

Numbers 1 to 12
How old are you?
Good Morning
Do you like food?
Do you like animals?
I’m sorry!
Treasure Adventure
How many … do you have?
How much?
Numbers 13 to 20
Rocket Launch: Numbers 10 to 100
What’s your favourite … ?
Where are you going?
Eat! Drink! Dance!
What are you doing?
What do you want to do?
What do you want to be?
What do you do?

Excuse me, are you…?
Adjectives: I have a question!
Adjectives: More questions
Adjectives: It’s not bad, it’s good!
I’m thirsty!
What would you like for breakfast?
Stationery 1
Stationery 2
Phonics “i” song
North, South, East, West
Phonics “u” song
Whose is it?
Baby Dinosaur, what did you do?
Yes, I can!
1. What’s your name?
2. How are you?

4. How much?
5. Weather
6. Where are you from?

1. How old are you?
2. Fruit Market

4. Colours
5. Where are you going?
6. What are you doing?
7. The Monkey Family
8. Rocket Launch!
1. Good Morning
2. Sports
3. Do you like…?
4. Months
5. Transport
6. I have a question! (adjectives)
7 More Questions.
8. I’m thirsty!

2. Doctor, Doctor!
3. Animals
4. What do you do?
5. Where, where, where?
6. Bigger, please!
7. My name is Mr Octopus
8. Genki Christmas
1. When, When, When?
2. How do you say … in English?
3. I can do it!
4. Creepy Crawlies
5. Food Part I
6. What’s your favourite … ?
7. Food Part II
8. Where is Mr Monkey?
9. What do you think of … ?
1. Make a Face
2. Do you have any pets?
3. Under the Sea
4. Easter Egg Hunt
5. Happy Halloween
6. What would you like for Xmas?
7. Where do you live?
1. Genki Disco Warm Up
2. Breakfast?
3. Brothers or sisters?
4. What time is it? 2
5. It’s not bad, it’s good!
6. Come on, Come on!
7. Can you kick?
8. Rooms of the House
+ the Phonics abc song,
1. Numbers 1 to 12
2. How many…?
3. Do you like animals?
4. I like animals!
5. I like vegetables.
6. What’s your favourite flavour?
7. Numbers 13 to 20
8. Hip Hop Numbers
* I’m a superhero! I can …
* I, you, he, she we are hungry
* Winter Clothes
* Excuse me, are you…?
* Can you speak…?
* What do you want to do?
* What do you want to be?
* Trick or Treat
* Apple Bobbing
* Gingerbread House
( +Let’s build a house!)
* Let’s build a snowman
* What colour is Christmas?
* Christmas presents?
* Happy New Year
* Get Well Soon
* I am a Robot (Phonics “i”)
* Treasure Adventure
* Summer Clothes
* Heads & Shoulders
* Shapes
* Look at me!
* Days of the Week
* School Subjects
Vol. 13
1. I’m sorry!
2. Stationery
3. Whose is it? It’s mine etc.
4. North & South
5. Where is it? Phonics “i” Song
6. Summer Sports / Simple Past
7. Baby Dinosaur Irregular Past
8. U U Umbrella Phonics “u”
9. Winter Sports
10. “I can do it!” & “Try again!”
New: Kids’ Magazine Workbooks
Kids Magazine stye workbooks each featuring a selection of printable games & worksheets and a bright, colourful poster to put on your wall for each lesson in the Adventure, Brainy, Challenge, Danger & Expert levels. These are also included with the “Student Pays” Homework option & we’re working on a version for those of you on Genki English Online too!

Student Worksheets/Workbooks:
To go with the Homework Programme or just to hand out to parents to keep them up to speed on what you are doing.

NEW: For the teacher, here is the full 136 page workbook master file.
Then for the students, simply print out each level as you come to it!

New Volume 15:

Volume 12
Pirates & colours, Where is the spider?, Make a monster, Skeleton Soup
I want to be a .., Haunted House, Thanksgiving, Gingerbread Man,Shapes
Volume 11
I am a Robot, Treasure Adventure, Summer Clothes, Heads & Shoulders
Shapes, Pronouns II: Look at me!, Days of the Week, School Subjects
Volume 10
Apple Bobbing, Trick or Treat, Let’s build a house, Gingerbread House,
Build a snowman, Colours, Where are the…?, Happy New Year
Get Well Soon
Volume 9
I’m a superhero!, Can you speak…?, I, you, me, he she, pronouns
Excuse me, are you?, Winter Clothes, Eat! Drink! Dance!,
I want to ….., I want to be …?
Volume 8
I like animals!, I like vegetables. What’s your favourite flavour?
Numbers 13 to 32, Hip Hop Numbers, Do you like animals?
Numbers 1 to 12, How many?
Volume 7
Disco Warm Up, Breakfast, Brothers or sisters? What time is it? Pt 2
It’s not bad, it’s good! Come on, Come on! Can you kick?
Rooms of the House, Phonics abc song
Volume 6
Do you have any pets? Easter Egg Hunt, Happy Halloween
What would you like …?, Where do you live?, Make a Face
What can you see under the sea?
When, When, When? How do you say … I can do it!
Creepy Crawlies, Ordering Food Part I, Ordering Food Part II
Favourite … ? What do you think? Under, on, in
Volume 4
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Doctor, Doctor! My … hurts!, Animals
What do you do?, Where, where?, Bigger, please!, Mr Octopus
Genki Christmas
Volume 3
Good Morning, Sports, Do you like food?, Months of the Year
Transport, Adjectives Guessing Game, More Questions, I’m thirsty!
Volume 2
How old are you?, Fruit Market, What time is it?, Colours
Where are you going?, What are you doing?, Baby Monkey Family
The Monkey Family, Rocket Launch
Volume 1
What’s your name? How are you? Left and right How much?
Thank you! What’s the weather like? How’s the weather?
These also work in conjunction with the Homework Calendar:

And passport:

Put a message up on the VIP forum if you’d like your school logo on your passport.
Complete Genki Phonics Reading Program
Of course you get access to the full Genki Phonics course.
First we have the portrait A4 posters (with stories,) recommended for front of class use.

Then the landscape workbooks if you wish to give sheets to each student.

Check out the videos on the phonics page for how to use them.
NEW: Here are mini phonics cards along with the first set of funky words!

Here is the 3 page overview chart:

And the Snakes & Ladders Game:

PDF Picture Books
As part of your Superpack VIP Membership you get access to all the Genki English Picture Books. The narrated versions in the Genki English software, look for the picture icon on the menu:

Or you can download the pdf versions below!

Ninja Tip: We call these “picture books” as the kids can’t read them yet. Use the narrations in the software or read them yourself and the kids will understand. And of course when the kids start interrupting and chatting and laughing and asking questions, go with these “teachable moments” 🙂
Imagination Worksheets
These worksheets work with the writing programme or as homework for pre-literate students.
Click here for video on how to use or click the worksheets below:

Genki Discipline Ninja Tips & Tricks

Games, Printed Lesson Plans eBooks & Library
Ninja Tip: If you’re on an iPhone select “open in iBooks” you’ll have them stored for offline use.

![]() English |
![]() Japanese ![]() |
![]() Spanish – en espanol |
![]() Mandarin Chinese (Note: the Chinese one is in a different order) |
![]() Thai ![]() |
+ new Game Cards for the Namecard Game.
Bonus VIP Card Games
Just like its more famous cousin “Uno”, this is a card game based on the traditional Crazy Eights game.
We have several versions available for you here, the classic “numbers + colours” version, a “family + vegetables” version and a prepositions version. This is the really cool part about the game, once you’ve taught each theme separately it’s great at linking them together to make longer sentences.
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Colours & Numbers | School subjects & days | Prepositions | ||
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Weather & Countries | Personal pronouns (he, she, they, we, I, you) & Stationery |
Clothes & Colours | ||
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Christmas Prepositions | Family & Vegetables | Colours & Shapes | ||
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Colours & Fruits | Halloween Monsters & Beard Colours |
Haunted House e.g. Skeleton is in the kitchen. |
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For Gamification of Your Classroom
Printable Game Avatars – how to use

Classroom Rules
To set up your discipline with “The Agreement” pick out two or three of the classroom rules below:

Basic Skills Workbook
If you’re teaching Genki English everyday in pre-school, Amye has just put up a fantastic workbook of basic skills worksheets for you.
Adventure Level:

Brainy Level:

Christmas Level:

A.I. Story Books
For more advanced students we also have A.I. generated stories for you, with the “Snouse Animals”


And Easter:

“Photo Real” Flashcards
Extra bonus cards, perfect for older students.
Finally make your Teacher’s Set pay for itself
with the “How to earn a fabulous living teaching English” eBook and video course:

Plus as a VIP member you also get access to the VIP Discount Pricing for my “10x Your Teaching Income” course.
Have been requesting this a few times, and is VERY happy you took the time to put it all in one place.
Thank you!
Wow this is fantastic! Now would this link be somewhere on the webpage so that I wouldn’t have to do a search to find this blog post?
Just an aside…
I had my meeting with the elementary school teachers and it went rather well. I had been worried that once teachers were used to teaching with the books offered by the Ministry of Education in Japan, it would be harder to get them to try GE. I found it to be the opposite. I pushed that the books Hi, Friends! is lacking in repetition, thus the kids forget what they learned in previous lessons. I stressed GE and said how the materials really help students retain the language.
What I found was that the ones nodding their heads were the ones who had used Hi, Friends! They saw what wasn’t working and could appreciate what does! I haven’t been this hopeful in a long time. This year looks to be a good year!!!
Really great! Thank you!
go under “help”~ here you can find everything.
I agree with your observation. When I did the teachers workshop at a school where teachers had depended on “Hi Friends” I had them do a lesson on different topics on day two, with either GE or HF There were actually several teachers who chose “Hi Friends” but only to underline the difference and show how bad it is compared to GE.
On the other hand though I have met several teachers who would not go for GE even though they know how good it is. These are all those teachers who are really really good; good in speaking English, good in creating a good classroom, ~so I guess to them it doesn’t matter what material they have, and their rule is: We teach what MEXT tells us to, as this is our job!
It also seems to be some kind of protection in case there are complaints from parents. If they use MEXT materials they can always refer to this and the responsibility is not theirs.
Oh well, maybe we should write a book on this some day. Let’s keep the spirits high; I do agree: this is a very special year, having started very positive. Let’s put all in we can and see how it goes!
Great to hear all this, yes there does indeed seem to be a bit of a sea change going on, we just had a great Head Teacher with us on Sunday who was asking all the right questions!
Just added the One Left card games, updated the animals card game graphics and the populations & GDPs for the countries card game!
When is Amye doing a Basic Skills workbook for the Challenge level?
Basic Skills Workbook are amazing! Thank you.
Will there be for other levels as well?
Hi Elena, not as yet!
I really appreciate all these resources, and also want to echo how wonderful it would be if Amye would consider doing a Basic Skills workbook for the remaining levels of Genki. That would be an awesome tool and further selling point.