Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

One thing about being in Korea is that I don’t understand the TV. Which is quite good as it means I can focus on the visuals and how they are pu...

So here it is, over 90 countries visiting the website and now 3 Asian countries I’ve actually done presentations in. Today’s mini-conferen...

Got up, did a bit of work and then went off round some of the sites in Seoul. The palaces and things look quite nice and it was just good being in ano...

Since I first came to Japan I’ve always fancied coming to Korea and in 6 years never got round to it. But as I’ve been very kindly asked t...

I think my head’s about to explode with all the things I have to think about at the moment. I have to produce the new DVD (which is proving very...

It is a very strange life I lead and today saw me flying from Japan’s furthest North island of Hokkaido (quite chilly) to the main South island ...