Category Archives: ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ India

Thursday Evening In India

With all the things you see on TV some people really don’t like other people. But when you actually party, eat and smile with them we are really all the same. Just take the guys at the end of this video, they look pretty scary, but all they were wanting was check their make up…

Back in India

The Indian presentations I did in May were a huge success. But however big or motivating a single week of workshops can be, the teachers face new challenges and come up with new ways to use the materials in the classroom. So this week I’m back in India, mainly as a fact finding mission to…

Do flowers fly?

To be honest over the last few months I’ve seen CD8 as a bit of a mismatch of themes to fill holes in the curriculum or to bring about themes that haven’t worked out until now. But today I played the songs for the teachers and they loved it. Out of all the songs we’ve…

Really poor

I had been warned that yesterday’s school was a bit “posh”, well relatively speaking, for the schools we are working with. So today I asked to go to some of the poorer schools. I wanted to see this because when you do reach a certain level of poverty then the learning begins to suffer from…

Indian kids

Most of my impressions had been formed by teaching and talking with the teachers last week. But as it had been the school holidays, I hadn’t actually taught any kids until today. So that was this morning’s work. Well, actually it was really fun. The class teachers were all the same teachers from last week…

Hard Work

After a 10AM team meeting it does seem like last week was almost a holiday compared with the work I volunteered myself for today! I basically had to sit down and finally decide the exact curriculum we would use, write the lesson plans in a way suitable for these teachers, remix some of the songs,…