Search Results for: game

Nagasaki – Favourite 5th graders

The teachers at this school were so good in Summer that I promised to pop back in term time to do some demo classes for their kids. The teachers were already aiming high and I wanted to see just how good the kids could get. Obviously this is a fantastic school ( even though it’s…

Eikaiwa Class + JHS

Today I was asked to help out at a teacher’s “eikaiwa” or private English class. I usually don’t do these types of classes ( please don’t write in asking me to visit one – I just don’t have the time!), but the teacher today has been really helpful and as I was in town I…

What do you think of easy bugs?

At the moment I’m working on a couple of “easy to teach” remixes for you. One is for CD5’s “What do you think of …?” and the other is “Creepy Crawlies“. If you’d like to try them out in your class or would like to send in some feedback, you can find them as free…

Links for new JETs

If you’ve just arrived on the JET programme and have your first lessons next week, take a couple of hours to run through these pages, they’ll take away most of the panic! Your first day at elementary school What we are supposed to be teaching in Elementary school – it’s probably not what you think!…

Team Taught Pizza really is sold out!

I mentioned on my blog the other day that the Team Taught Pizza book was nearing the end of its stocks. As it’s coming up to the start of term when everyone is placing orders for everything then we sold out on Tuesday. Lots of people have been emailing me orders as it isn’t on…

3 days in Nara + 6th graders

This year I also had 3 days of workshops in Gojo city, Nara… he’s how it went Day 1 – beginnings The main part of the training is the teaching practice, but in order to do that we have to, of course, go through all the basics, and more importantly how different Genki English is…