Search Results for: game

Digital Whiteboards

September 11th 2006 – Digital Whiteboards Regular readers will know I’m fascinated with using Digital Whiteboards in Japanese schools. With so many teachers afraid of using computers ( or mice!), the thought of simply touching a picture on the wall and hear it talk is very appealing. The market is still wide open as, unlike…

Hachijyojima Day 2 – In an oven

OK, another new rule, no Genki English shows in the gym in August nor September! Today’s school was in the mountains and was really, really old with a corrugated tin roof that made things sweltering inside. It was sooo hot! The school had paid for my hotel last night so initially asked for 4 hours…

Hachijyojima – Normal lessons, for a change!

Last year I taught all the grades here in the “Show” format, which basically means all the Genki English rules and all the basics at a breakneck speed. So that meant today I could simply do a straightforward, by the book, demo lesson that any of the teachers could copy. Of course things don’t always…

Still on the road

After the Summer rush of workshops ( as teachers have no classes and can take the time to train) September is usually a quiet time for me. Last year I even managed a few days off! No such luck this year as after just a couple of days to sort out newsletters ( great new…

3 Days in Nara

After the hustle and bustle ( and 3 or 4 Starbucks per block ) of Tokyo it was a shinkansen and two hours of local trains to get to the heart of Nara prefecture for a full three day workshop. My favourite type, with lots of time to get the teachers not just taking fish,…

Tokyo – Back to business

One of the things I’ve found over the years is that if you just make a few changes to all the motivational skits, jokes and paradigm changing stuff that I do with teachers, they are just as, if not more so, effective with your average businessman or woman. And even better than that, most of…