The Genki English Business Course – Earn More From Your Passion For Teaching English!

Growing your own school is one of the best things you can do…

You want to teach.  You want to help people.  And you want to enjoy every moment.

You’re going to learn all the secrets & techniques  that I have learned traveling all over the world and talking to the most successful teachers & language school owners.   They love to share their ideas and I’m passing them on to you 😀.

You don’t need to travel to expensive locations though, you can start from the chair you’re sitting in right now.

Each week you’ll have one 60 minute pre-recorded video with the core skills you need to take your school to the next level.  You’ll follow it up with fun homework where you’ll see progress right from the start.   You can watch as each video is sent out, or review it later if your schedule is a little hectic.  Plus I’ll be in the special Facebook group every week to answer your questions and coach you through each stage of the journey.


So if you are the type of person who wants to make a difference to their teaching and school right now,  then this is what you’ll be doing ….

Module 1: 😇  To get a waiting list of *amazing* students!

Figure out exactly who you want to teach and exactly how you want to teach them.   No more pressure to teach things you don’t believe in, now you have the freedom!  Plus learn the mistakes I made and how you can avoid them.  This is going to save you years of time!


Module 2:  📈 The mistake all teachers make:  Pricing! 

No more guessing on how much to charge.  With the Genki Pricing Plan you’ll take away all the stress and know *exactly* what to set your prices at.   The peace of mind and good nights’ sleep this will bring you is worth the whole price of the program for many people.

P.S.  This is also the part of the puzzle that nearly all English teachers get wrong!   Make sure you’re not one of them.


Module 3: 📣 How to market your lessons & get the word out there! The Marketing Secrets from the top schools & freelancers

Standing outside with fliers isn’t going to work anymore.  I’ll show you the top marketing ideas,  many of them zero or low-cost that the best schools and freelancers from around the world are using to get new students right now.


Module 4: 💪 How to keep your energy & motivation sky high (even in the dark days!)

It sounds all “hippy” and “woo woo”  but taking care of yourself is the best way to take care of your business.  I walk you through the strategies, mindsets and morning routines that some of the most successful school owners use.  If you want a stress free life, this is where you start.


Module 5:  👩‍👧‍👦 How to hire AMAZING staff or … how to do everything yourself and avoid burnout! 🔥

Do you want to build a team?  Or go it alone?  Either way this module will show you how to hire a team of SUPERHEROES who will take your vision to the next level.  Or it might just show you that you’d much rather keep things simple on your own and we show you the best way to do that whilst maximizing your free time & family time. 🙂


Module 6:  🎉  Build a community of supporters to help you everyday

It’s all very well learning all these latest techniques, the trick is putting them into practice.  And we do that with COMMUNITY.    In the course you will have an amazing community of fellow teachers and school owners to keep you on track, to ask questions and you also have a  library of one-on-one video consulting sessions with school owners just like yourself so you can see their struggles, achievements and learn their strategies.  We’ve got your back and we’re here to support you 100%!


Module 7:  ⚡️ 15m views on Tik Tok?  40m on Youtube? How to master the online world! 

Want to teach from the beach?  Or do you want Facebook or Instagram to do all the hard recruiting new students for you?   This module is for you.  I’ll show you the techniques and strategies that are working right now to gain students from all around the world,  and that I have personally paid 10s of thousands of dollars to learn, so you can be your own master of online marketing!



Module 8:  💰 Smart Investing & Finance: Keep more of what you make & make your money work for you!

Property? Shares? Pensions? What do you do with the money you make?  Spend it all straight away? Or try to keep it safe? Or how could you make it work for you especially in these crazy times?   That’s what bonus module 8 is all about!

* I’m not a licensed financial advisor in your country so always ask the licensed experts where you are.   This module is designed so you’ll know exactly what questions to ask them – and how to understand their replies! 


Bonus Module:  🔥 How to motivate your students with the “6 Emotional Needs”

A quick 10 minute video from Beverly Hills, just in case you need a little boost of  motivation for your students!


Bonus Hot Seats:  The best way to learn?  See how others are doing it with LIVE 🔥 HOT SEATS!

We now have over 37(!) interviews & coaching calls with school owners from all over the world and at every stage of their business from beginners right to huge teaching businesses.  Each month we take one member of the course and have a 30 to 60 minute group “hot seat” where you can ask me questions and see how other school owners throughout the world are coping with, and oftentimes thriving, with the same issues you have in your school.   Check out the previous hot seats – you’ll learn so much, make new friends and it’s a huge confidence boost!


Update:  The hot seats are on a “first come first served” basis, so the sooner you get in the more quickly you can get your hot seat.  I also can’t guarantee that everyone will get a hot seat – especially at the busiest time of year or when I’m traveling – but again it’s first come, first served so get in as soon as you can!


Plus ….  take things to the next level with the Zoom Masterminds

For this year you also get the chance to participate in my Tony Robbin’s certified online Mastermind sessions.   Covering topics such as TIME, MONEY, GOAL SETTING, TEACHING and more, you’ll get to benefit  from some of the best business training in the world right now.    ( Plus Ninja Tip:  You can use these techniques in your own adult classes!)


Plus ….  there might be a few more surprises this year 🙂 


Q: Will this work in my country?

A:  Yes, no worries, we have teachers and school owners in the program from all over the world!

Q: I teach online, will this work for me?

A:  Yes indeed.  The techniques I present here have been used by thousands of other teachers from around the world to set up their own off-line & online teaching programs and courses.   And although it’s far from typical, some have made literally millions of dollars from these ideas.

Q: Do I have to be teaching kids or Genki English to benefit from this program?

A: No, it’s designed to be teaching agnostic so although I’d love you to be teaching using my materials, you don’t have to be 🙂

Q: I already have a successful school with many staff and many students.  Will this course be of benefit to me?

A:  Yes it will, many of these techniques and ideas are used by high 6 and 7 figure* teaching businesses around the world.   And it’s probably easier for you because just one marketing or HR idea could make the course pay for itself many times over!  (* = revenue between $1m and $10m per year)

Q: I don’t plan on hiring more teachers,  I just want to do this myself.  Will the program work for me?

A: Yes, it will 🙂  Although we cover everything you need to hire amazing staff if you want to, we also show you how to set up a highly profitable solo  “Lifestyle Business” that gives you the lifestyle you want whilst running your teaching on your own to your own schedule.  You don’t have to hire other teachers if you don’t want to.

Q:  I don’t have a “school” I work as a freelancer,  will this help me?

A: Yes indeed,  we have many freelancer teachers in the program as well as school owners.

Q: I still work for another language school,  is it worth me joining the program?

A: Definitely!  If you’re working for a government school then this is basically your pension top up,  we’ll show you how to monetize your teaching skills to continue the lifestyle you’re used to.  If you’re working for a horrible boss in a language school then this is your way out!  We’ll show you how to set up the school of your dreams where you LOVE coming to work each day.  And finally if you are working for an awesome boss then this program is going to show you how you can help them get more students, increase their prices and help you to help them get a much better work/life balance.  Which means they are going to love you forever! 🙂

Q:  I’m really lazy,  I just want to watch the videos and get more money without doing anything.  Will this work for me?

A:  Errrrr, no.   This probably isn’t the course for you!

Rest Assured 🏅It’s all Fully Guaranteed

This program isn’t for everyone.   You have to watch the videos and, more importantly, do the work!   So within the first 30 days, if you find it’s not for you, then just send me an email and you’ll get a full refund.  No questions asked.

Check out what 😀 everyone else is saying about the program …..

These are all real teachers who have been through the program & did the work!

Adriana from Ecuador:

Beverley from Italy:

Fleur from Indonesia:

Bryan & James from Japan:


Fanitsa & Caroline from Italy:

What would it be worth to teach only the English that YOU want to teach?

To have only the students and parents that love what you do?

& What if you only managed to get an extra 10, 100 or more amazing new students this year?

It’s your turn now.   You are going to love this experience  – so get signed up & join us today

Join Us Now $1997
⭐️ Full Online Course
🧠 All the Knowledge
📝 Personalized Feedback
🔥 Your Own Group Hot Seat Call
👩‍👧‍👦 Everyone can buy!


Or email me if you have any questions!