Target English: "What are you doing?" + answers! Song: the "What are you doing?" song can be found in the Teacher's Set And in the new curriculumLevel.
Click the pictures, hear them talk!
What are you doing?
by Richard Graham
I'm eating
I'm drinking
I'm reading
I'm sleeping
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Teachers always say this to kids, usually in a bad way. But my kids are
always asking me, because they are interested in what I'm doing. In any
case it's a really useful, and easy, phrase for the kids to learn.
In the previous lesson do the Eat! Drink! Dance! song simply by getting the kids to mime whilst singing the verbs. Then
explain "I'm ... ing" and practice by shouting the command at
them and getting them to reply with "I'm... ingh e.g. you say "Eat!"
and they say "I'm eating!" whilst pretending to eat. e.g.
Next teach the song a cappella using the mini lesson on the software.