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November 2003
Hello, it's getting a bit cold but there are plenty of fantastic ideas
to warm up your classrooms with lots of Genki fun!!
Christmas Stuff
Christmas is coming and kids love to do Christmas activities! This year
there is also a full new Christmas theme on the website featuring A4 picture
cards, a free song and the Reindeer Race Game.
There is also the Christmas ideas page with advent calendars, talking Christmas
cards, letters to Santa and some brilliant Christmas Music Scores - great
for 6th graders!
I've been sent some really great games this month, including "Feelings
Frenzy" by Ruth, the "Hand Power/Hexagon/Do you have...? Game"
by Brian Shepherd and Bridget McNamara has sent in "3 Piece"
and the brilliant Harry Potter Game. Check out the rest of the games here:
6th Graders and what to do with them!
This is one topic that crops up every year, so if you have problems coming
up with cool ideas for cool 6th graders, then check out this article:
Junior High and Senior High Ideas
People are always asking me about ideas for Junior and Senior High. The
thing is that I don't have the time nor experience to produce any myself.
But I figured that the amazing Genki English viewers may be able to come
up with some ideas!! So I've set up a new discussion board just for sharing
these ideas. It's all very new, but if we all get together I'm sure we
can make a great resource! It's a fantastic feeling to know that your ideas
are being used in classrooms all over the World!! If everyone contributes
just one idea it'll be great! So get your thinking caps on and share your
lesson plans!
( There's also a new jobs board available, as well as the very popular
Discussion Board! )
Free teaching guide videos
Just a quick word to let you know that yes, we are still giving away video
teaching guides for all the songs on the CDs. They've proved so popular
that we've decided to keep the offer, basically you order the set of 4
CD/CDROMs and get the Teaching Guide CDROM for free! Can't say fairer than
that can we!
Wrap up warm, don't catch a cold and enjoy November!
Just one last little word, teach your kids lots of words like "Great!",
"Fantastic!", "Well done" etc. , they tell you an action
to do (like "dance", "sing" etc.") and then have
to praise you! A fun little warm up!
If you know of anyone who might be interested in this newsletter, then
please feel free to send it on!
Oh, and there's also a Japanese version, you can sign up for it from the
main Japanese menu!
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