Search Results for: game

Genki in Austria Day 2

Some of the very genki teachers from this weekend’s workshop! A foggy Christmassy morning, so we started off with –ย When, when, when? – I am , you are pronouns song + dinosaur game – which only sort of worked because I was the only guy in the room! But it shows how just a handful…

Genki in Austria

Today was my only teaching workshop in Europe this year and we had people fly in from all over the continent, from Spain, Germany, Lithuania and of course Austria! Amongst all the general rules and positivity behind Genki English we did… –ย Genki Disco Warm Up, –ย String Game for introductions – My self intro about the…

Rock Band English!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past few years you must have heard about the huge success of the “Rock Band” video games. You basically hit coloured instruments in time to pre-recorded music. But they are massive, massive hits with “kids” of all ages. The Beatles even have their own version! So the…

I want to be a …. vampire!

Kids in developed countries can sometimes be far too blasรฉย about the chances and opportunities they have. So let’s get them using their imagination more! 1. First make sure you’ve done theย Halloween Song and theTrick or Treat song. 2. Then do theย What do you want to be? theme, 3. But then for the game use last…

More Halloween Imagination Worksheets + 124 page Halloween eBook!

Fancy some super Halloween pdf books chock a block full of games and worksheets for teachers or kids? Flossy has just put a great video in the forum of how she makes amazing printed & bound books for her students using theย Genki English member’s materials. They really have to be seen to be believed! So…

Halloween Stickers & Bones! + How to print in colour really cheaply

Gaz has been at it again, this time with some very funkyย Halloween Stickers to go with theย Trick or Treat song and worksheets for the Pesky Hound game, which you can find part way down the mainย Halloween page! As usual these areย VIP members (yep all members are now VIPs!) exclusives and if you want to join…