Search Results for: game

4 New ESL Picture Books

The keen eyed amongst you might have noticed 4 new picture books on the site over the weekend. Some of them I wrote in 2006 and had on theΒ beta test forum, but hadn’t linked up from the main site. Β Sorry about that, but thanks to Gaz for reminding me! How to teach? As usual you…

Terrified Teachers

It always seems a little strange that many teachers refuse to do part of their job (teaching English) just because they don’t feel confident about it. If we all did that no one would ever do any job. After all you’ve got to start somewhere and a few butterflies never hurt anyone! So today was…

The Perfect English Classroom + How to add Extras

As we had quite a few people staying over after the workshop yesterday, this morning I did a quick “breakfast chat” in English going through more great questions. One of the questions I was asked was “How would you set up your ideal classroom?” My answer was “give each kid a laptop!” Of course the…

Genki in Shikoku

Instead of being sponsored by a Board of Education or University, today we organised everything ourselves and it turned out really well with teachers from all over the country (some even taking overnight buses!) to get here. So thank you very much! We did have a lot of first time elementary school teachers so it…

Happy 10th Birthday Genki English!

Genki English is 10 years old today! (Well, not quite, it was actually last week but I missed it due to having no internet in Australia!) It was exactly ten years ago on July 27th 1999 that I first set up the Genki English website. Back then it was simply to upload all the games…

Genki at Setsunan University, Osaka

Today I was invited by Setsunan University in Osaka to give a one hour lecture and a two hour workshop to their teacher trainees and local elementary school teachers. In the event we had over 100 people, some coming from as far away as Shikoku and even Tokyo! In amongst all the motivation and talking…