Search Results for: game

Live in Fukuoka

It is a strange feeling being asked to do CD signings and presentations in bookstores. When I was back in England I’d see people presenting in Borders or HMV and think “That looks cool.”, now I’m here in Japan, of all places, doing the same thing myself! It doesn’t seem real somehow. Oxford University Press…

Easier to find stuff on the site

After finding out how many pages were on the site yesterday, and figuring out that the old search system only indexed about 800 pages, I decided to put in a new google powered search engine on the site. It seems to be working out really well, you just put in the target English you want…

Annoying Microsoft

If you’ve got a Japanese Windows machine, it’s probably updated itself over the last few days. Usually these updates just bug fixes, but the new one is annoying in the extreme. What it does is make you click before allowing any “flash” files to play. “Flash” is the tool I use to do things like…

For the World Cup, !

It’s taken a while, but just in time for the World Cup we have Songs & Games for learning German –! This was a project we’d been discussing when I was over in Germany, of taking some of the Genki English songs and translating them into German. And they have turned out very well,…

Teach in JHS or SHS? You have to see this!

Over on the forum there’s a really big list of very good websites building up. One of the links put up this week was for a massive pdf book of games and ideas by the JET teachers down in Okinawa. It’s a really big download, but there are so many ideas for Junior High School…

Officially, no change

With all the talk recently of reforming or changing the elementary school “English” curriculum, I figured I’d better check up to make sure that there have been no changes to the Course of Study of this year. The Course of Study or “Shidou youryou” ( ε°ε­¦ζ ‘ε­¦ηΏ’ζŒ‡ε°Žθ¦ ) is the official word on what we have…