Search Results for: game

Hachijyojima – Back to school & 3rd graders from Mars…

After the past few months of doing computer work it was back to the fun part of Genki English, actually using it in classes! Today, instead of a simple kids show, I had three demo lessons. Each one would have two grades and I’d try and do as much as possible in the time, so…

English Tiger

I’m always on the look out for new and interesting material to introduce to people. Basically the more good stuff I can recommend, the less I have to make myself! Whilst I was over in Korea last year there was a very popular presentation by a group of guys called English Tiger. I thought their…

Valentine’s Picture Book & Activities

The last picture book proved really successful, so here’s a new one – “I love vegetables” The cool part of the book is, of course, the twist at the end. This time it fits in very nicely with the upcoming Valentine’s Day. It’s not going to work for all your kids, but for the ones…

The first Genki English workshop in Germany!

I always get a little nervous doing a workshop in a new country for the first time. You never know who you’re going to get or what they want to see! But you know what, I needed have worried at all today. They were a really great group of teachers, we had the full day…

Ice Breakers

Lots of things on today, but I managed to put up a page of simple Ice Breaker games for use with groups of adults. They’re often requested, so if you have any of your own, please send them in!

Make a Face song!

Usually I do my “look back at 2005” post at this time, but I haven’t had time to sit down long enough to write it! Which is just as well as over Christmas I’ve been back in the UK, and once again it’s the music here that makes it so good. I came up with…