Search Results for: game

How many? games

To go with yesterday’s “How many … do you have?” song, today we have the “How many?” game. The nice thing about this game is you can use it to review any set of vocab or classroom objects such as pens, pencils etc. You also can try the mingle game, have the kids sing the…

Disaster Game

I’ve had to change the name of today’s game, sent in by Rick, to “The Disaster Game” ( you’ll see why in the instructions), and it’s a really good game. Of course don’t even think about using it if you think it will upset your kids! I’ve also added in a load of new Genki…

More Japanese Games

They decided to start ripping up the road right next to where I was supposed to be recording yesterday. So I took the chance to flee to a coffee shop and get cracking on my email mountain that has been building up whilst I’ve been working on the new songs. I also added in a…

Easy games? Hard games?

After spending most of the past few weeks, and this morning, recording in the studio, I spent the afternoon in Starbucks chopping up audio files and making the new Genki Korean games. The thing that struck me the most when I came to play them was just how hard or easy the games can be,…

Games Marathon

For the first time in ages today I’ve had the chance to sit down and work through my “non urgent” email folder. Hopefully I’ll be up to speed with everyone by the end of today! Some really great ideas have been sent in on the Readers Games page. I’m really impressed as they are nearly…

40 new Japanese Games

Over the Summer a really great group of teachers got together on a special Japanese forum and very kindly translated nearly all of the 100 or so Reader’s Games on the site. Today I got the last 40 of them up on the site and ready to go. If you’re an ALT, simply print out…