Target English: Months of the year, "When is your birthday?" Song: The "When is your birthday?" Song can be found in the Teacher's Set
And in the new curriculumLevel.
When is your birthday?
by Richard Graham &
Will Jasprizza
When is your birthday?
When is your birthday?
It's in January
It's in February
It's in March
It's in April
It's in May
It's in June
It's in July
It's in August
It's in September
It's in October
It's in November
It's in December
There are a lot of months, and they can be tricky to teach. But this song
hopefully makes things a lot easier!
Teaching the months of the year is quite tricky as there a lot of them
. One great idea is to take photos of the kids in each class who are
born in each month and make these into picture cards, this really personalises
the lesson.
The key with this song is that at first kids only learn their own birthday
month. This is easy to do and as it's something that's important to each
kid they learn it quickly. Then they gradually pick up the name's of the
months of their friends birthdays.
The trick is to sing the song with everyone sitting, when it comes to
each student's birthday they stand up and sing the month louder then sit
back down. This works great!
Readers' Comments
by Stephanie
When I listened to it before my class, I thought the enka-type intro to
the "When is your birthday" song was a little weird. But
when I used it in my class, it IMMEDIATELY grabbed the attention of my
students! They thought it was SO funny and have requested to do to
the song again just because they like the intro so much. Sometimes
the stuff I think is the strangest ends up being what the students like
the best, you really know what makes the kids genki!
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