Search Results for: game

Man with no feet

You’ve really got to admire the Indian teachers. Today was spent going through the feedback on the GE materials and they’d really thought about it and really gone into a lot of detail. The good points the teachers and administrators were surprised by were: 1) The kids are really enjoying it. 2) The parents and…

ETJ Picture Cards & Speeches

As I’m flying out of Kansai airport this week, on Sunday I popped along to the ETJ (English Teachers in Japan) Osaka meeting. Eric Kane did an excellent workshop and if you’re in the kansai area on November 16th I’d highly recommend you to pop along to their big yearly “Expo“. Eric went through his…

Parents θ¦ͺ子英θͺž

UPDATE: Β These offers have no finished – hope you enjoyed them!Β  I’ve got something big planned for you tomorrow (fingers crossed!) so today we just have a few little bits of news: . New Software Download Pack (+Upgrades) If you’ve previously purchased the MP3 download pack, you can now upgrade to the new Software Download…

Why Language Classes Don’t Work

Tim Ferris, of Four Hour Work Week (on Amazon US or here on Amazon Japan)Β  fame, has just put up a new blog post: Why Language Classes Don’t Work: It’s certainly worth a read and as usual he gives lots of food for thought.Β  Is this how your brighter adult students see you?Β  Here are…

Teaching 2 & 3 year olds + a Troll

I’ve done a lot of research on how parents can help younger kids learn English, but actually teaching 2 and 3 year olds is not something I know that much amount. But I get asked the question a lot especially as my 0-6 year old Kids English set isn’t available overseas. So here’s a brief…

Teaching Numbers: 28 Tips

I’ve just been updating the Spanish site to have a new Spanish Numbers game, so figured I’d do a list of games and ideas for teaching numbers.Β  So far I’m up to 28.Β  If you have any more, please put them in the comments! Online Numbers Games: 1 Numbers in Spanish (Just updated!) 2 Numbers…