Search Results for: game

Review of the Year 2008

This certainly has been an exciting 12 months. In 2007 I was getting a little frustrated with government school bureaucracy and “boring is fine” status quo. But this year was totally different, I added more countries to the list, lived in Italy & produced a lot of new materials. The best thing for me has…

Warm ups in order

It was back to more training sessions (same teachers) this morning. And they did really well. The Genki English curriculum you have is purposefully non-linear so you can change the lessons to your students needs. But in India and China I’ve given them sets of 20 lessons to do in a set order. The nice…

Day 3 & Chinese School Lunch

Yes it’s Saturday, and yes we have teacher training and yes the kids are in school as well. Working hard seems to be second nature here. Genki English This morning was supposed to be simply getting the teachers to teach another Genki English lesson each. But word seemed to have got out because we had…

Day 2 Blues & Chinese Food

Regular readers will know that day 2 is always the hardest in any training. Day 1 is always “Wow, this is amazing”. Day 2 is “Wooo, we’ll never be able to do this”. Luckily day 3 is usually “Wow, we can do this!”. This morning started off well enough with going through the phonics lesson…

Education Policy and Entrepreneurship for Development

Today I was invited by the University of Newcastle in the UK to give a guest lecture on “Education Policy and Entrepreneurship for Development” for their Masters course in International Development and Education. As an “Education Entrepreneur” I was asked to run through how (i.e. songs, games & projects) & why (because too many schools…

XOs and Genki English

This school is also trying out the $100 laptop “buy one get one free” scheme where people in the US buy one machine and another is donated to places like here in Cambodia. Yesterday I had a look at and to be honest I wasn’t too impressed. “Laptop” probably isn’t the best way to describe…