Search Results for: game

Days of the Week

Yumiko has posted some great ideas for teaching Days of the Week. The best one is to use a TV schedule to illustrate days of the week, e.g. instead of saying “What do you study on Tuesday?” which is really boring, you can ask “Today’s it’s Friday, what’s good on TV?” That’s sure to get…

Free EFL / ESL Workshop Video

I’ve just uploaded video of the first hour of my Genki English training workshops. Starting at the very beginning I go through lesson planning, warming up, how to do songs and games and lots and lots of practical hints & tips. Beginners should see it a few times and experienced teachers can probably pick up…

Genki Spanish

Fancy learning a little Spanish? Here’s the new Genki Spanish site full of games to learn Spanish for free. Please tell all your friends about it, either Myspace, Facebook or even real life ones! Just to give you a quick taster, here’s the colours (or colors if you prefer!) game. The trick is to: 1….

The Power of “Try Again”!

“Losing just means try again!” is one of the most powerful things you can teach your students. Here’s an email from Todd, who very kindly let me post it for you: —————————————————— When I first had my school purchase your teacher’s set (with CDs and workbooks) I was truthfully skeptical. All my years of teaching…

Primary English FAQ videos

During the summer every day and in every city I had the teachers being stressed out by the same problems and worries. Most of them are really easy to solve, but seeing as they are so widespread I’ve just uploaded several videos to the Japanese FAQ (yoku aru shitsumon) page. Adding in the video jokes…

New Mini Cards + Your Requests

Whilst I was visiting Gaz’ town the other week he showed me lots of new minicards he’d made, including mini versions of the picture books and these mini cards for “Do you have any brothers and sisters?” They’re great for games, for example do the song then even something simple like… 1. Everyone asks one…